Sunday 30 March 2014

Learnings and Finding from Week 5 Continued..

Week fives studies also had us exploring a variety of tools that provide animation and simulation which have been shown to offer substantial advantages over print base materials. Animations and simulations are web-based and can offer a virtual experience when the real thing cannot be provided for students. For example if students were learning about Egypt, teachers could not possibly take a field trip, so instead they could use some of these tools to experience Egypt in the comfort of the classroom.  The animation and simulation recourses we explored included; interactive learning objects, Google maps, adobe flash, Google earth, Google docx, online concept mapping, online timelines, Zooburst and Museumbox. These interactive resources are purely a tool to aid learning. They do not on their own constitute learning. It is our job as teachers and learning designers to utilize and incorporate them into larger learning contexts to support knowledge and deepen understanding.

After exploring these tools, I could see many ways in which these tools could aid learning, however the one that captured my attention was Zooburst. I was captured by this idea because I am specializing in primary teaching and I think this is a fun, exciting, captivating tool primarily for younger primary students. Zooburst is a digital storytelling tool that allows anyone to create their own 3D pop-up animation books, in which their stories can ‘come to life’. Zooburst allows us to arrange, create and customize characters, props and backgrounds by uploading our own images or searching a built-in database which provides 10,000 free images and materials. Zooburst books can be published or shared online for anyone to access which therefore provides us access a variety of other interactive stories. Zooburst also provides a virtual space in which readers can interact online with one another in discussion forums or by simply leaving comments and providing feedback. Here’s the best part. The Zooburst experience can be amplified with special Augmented Reality feature. With the simple use of a webcam, this features allows visitors and to watch the 3D pop-up book ‘jump’ out of the paper and into the room around them by holding up a special symbol to the webcam. It also allows readers to interact with the book using simple gestures like ‘waving your hand’ in front of the book to turn the pages back and forth. This feature excites me as an adult so I can image how much excitement it would bring to students! It takes storytelling and interaction to a whole different level.  The free version of the tool come with basic features and limits users to the creation of 10 books, however a premium account with Zooburst comes with many added/extra features and benefits and allows the creation of unlimited books. To name a few you can; add sound effects to images, record and insert audio and print and download other books. It keeps getting better too. With a premium account, Zooburst contain a powerful “classroom management” feature that allows teachers to set up protected, safe spaces for their students. Teachers can manage and moderate student work in a protected environment and can assign usernames and passwords avoiding the requirement of sensitive or personal information.
Another Zooburst benefit is it’s easy to use interface. You simply; create an account, choose a book title, add a book description and you’re ready to go.  You use the left side panel to search images by simply entering a search item or further browsing images from your computer or from the web. Click on the picture and it will appear in your book. (You have the option to images to the background). Drag and drop the images into your desired position and use the right side panel to alter picture size, rotation and colour.  Add a chat bubble to the picture and fill it with text such as thoughts, ideas or comments. Use the text box below the book to describe the scene or story taking place. Add new pages and repeat steps above to complete story or idea. You can easily switch between pages using the bottom window, save your creation and access your creations in the ‘My Stuff’ link at the top of your page.

As an educational tool, Zooburst can be used in any subject area for a variety of age groups. Not only is it a fun, captivating, interactive tool but it provides both students and teachers with new and exciting ways in which they can tell stories, deliver presentations, write reports and express complex ideas. It encourages creative thinking by combining visuals and texts, it enhances creative writing skills, it engages students in ICT’s and it enable online collaboration and the ability to share and celebrate students work.  Some ways Zooburst could be used in the classroom include:

  • Create book reports, book reviews or story boards
  • Creative writing tasks or assignments
  • Explaining specific events such as Thanksgiving
  • Recite historical events
  • Create introductory stories, introducing new topics or concepts
As much as older students would say Zooburst is ‘lame’ they would secretly relish this tool whilst being engage in literacy and creative experiences. Students could utilise Zooburst to; explain concepts, create stories (maybe to be presented and performed to a young audience) and to reflect on content or learning journeys. These activities could enhance creative thinking, critical thinking and all round literacy skills.

Younger students would reap all kinds of learning benefits from Zooburst, especially if a premium account is established. Students could independently and interactively listen to and read along with stories as well as write, record and publish their own stories. This would improve listening, reading, speaking and communication, imagination and creative writing skills. The student’s creations could be published on an established learning site for viewing and the welcoming of feedback which gives students as sense of pride and inclusion, building confidence and self-esteem in students.

With the ability to completely personalize books, we are given the opportunity to personalize learning.  With the ability to interact and the ability to personalize learning, the overall learning experience is transformed. I have absolutely fallen in love with this tool. I see no faults or flaws. It is definitely a tool I will incorporate in my classroom. It is easy to navigate and operate, it provides a safe environment for students, it engages students, it is visually stimulating, it encourages student creativity and it enables interactions and online collaboration. This can ensure more knowledge in retained and understood which results in a higher order of learning. Please see below an example of my Zooburst creation about Baxter’s Bone. 

The link to my Zooburst page is:

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